Microgreens Biweekly Subscription

from $33.00 every 4 weeks

Choose 3 to 8 packs of biweekly subscription

Prices shown are for 2 deliveries in a 4-week cycle

For larger subscription sizes or any questions, contact us at admin@greencityaquaponics.ca

Subscriptions renew every 4 weeks for ease of mind!

No of Packs:

Choose 3 to 8 packs of biweekly subscription

Prices shown are for 2 deliveries in a 4-week cycle

For larger subscription sizes or any questions, contact us at admin@greencityaquaponics.ca

Subscriptions renew every 4 weeks for ease of mind!

Choose 3 to 8 packs of biweekly subscription

Prices shown are for 2 deliveries in a 4-week cycle

For larger subscription sizes or any questions, contact us at admin@greencityaquaponics.ca

Subscriptions renew every 4 weeks for ease of mind!

Microgreens Multi-Pack
from $13.00
Microgreens Weekly Subscription
from $66.00 every 4 weeks
Microgreens Monthly Subscription
from $18.00 every 4 weeks